Building our House

This blog is intended to allow friends to share our experiences, as we build our new home. We have had to deal with pin headed bureaucrats, an egotistical architect, and (fortunately) the most wonderful building contractor!


woopsie... bad information - retraction and thanks

It appears that I gave some misinformation when wrapping up the blogsite. In that blog, I mentioned that the painters had not done a very good job... I was confused, and retract that statement. The paint splashes on the floor were actually there from the previous time the house had been painted... some 7 years prior.

No blinds were broken... I just failed to notice the broken blind in my bedroom for about 3 years.

Hoppy actually offered the fellows those beers - he's a friendly sort, and of course anyone would want to loosen up the guys that are painting your home... wouldn't you?

The gentleman who just heated a hot dog in my microwave was kind enought to wipe the microwave out after he had used it (as I am sure he does every time he uses a microwave).

I was also informed that these folks had helped Hoppy load his trailer... for this, I offer a sincere thank you.


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