Building our House

This blog is intended to allow friends to share our experiences, as we build our new home. We have had to deal with pin headed bureaucrats, an egotistical architect, and (fortunately) the most wonderful building contractor!


Final sunset...

I could just keep posting pictures of sunsets... and may just do that on another blog site. However, it is time to put this one to bed... our yearlong adventure is over... our house is built, and we (and our scores of boxes) are now happily ensconced in our new home. A lot of folks have asked if we would do this again... yes... with some provisos! ONLY if Ron (Mountain View Construction) wanted the torture of this project again! We have had (mostly) incredibly good experiences with this house... Ron and his right hand man Fred were amazing, Renee was ever patient with us, and when the cleaning crew let her down, she cleaned this house from top to bottom! (How many construction company owner's wives do you know that would do this???) Roman Tiling and Sundance Cabinets were a pleasure to work with, and produced beautiful results. Obviously, many other people were involved with making this house what it is, and all of them deserve our heartfelt thanks. On the downside... the architect converted our plan into a beautiful plan, but then, turned into a fussy petulant child, when a couple of minor details had to be changed. By far the worst workmanship encountered was the demolition crew, posing as painters, that we hired to paint our OLD house. Blinds were broken... there was paint splashed all over the floor... many of the fixtures were not reinstalled... they cooked some kind of explosive food in the microwave, and never bothered to clean it up... the empty paint cans (clearly marked AVCO) were just dumped in the yard... I guess we should have known there was a problem when they asked Hoppy if they could have a couple of beers that were still in the fridge! However, with a project, this size, I am extremely grateful that we had so few issues! Posted by Picasa


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